
Posted on 01:20 by Matej | 0 kvačk

Lahko bi rekel, da sem za danes imel neka pričakovanja. Mislil sem, da bo nekaj posebnga.
Ampak zjutraj, ko sem se zbudil, sem v sebi našel velik nemir.
Teh misli se nisem mogel znebiti. Že od 7.47 sem gojil misli, za katere sem mislil da sem se znebil. Očitno ne gre tako zlahka. Vse je začelo vreti iz mene in kmalu sem se znašel v stanju preden me raznese. Zamislil sem se nad svojim obnašanjem. Rekel sem si: "Tole pa ne bo v redu, tale strup svoje vrste, nočem tega. Ne danes." Zaželel sem si preporoda za ta dan, drugačen začetel. Skoraj molil.
S hladno vodo sem si spral obraz in Zavrtel pesem, ki se mi je zdela primerna. Softić, ampak primerna. Nase sem vrgel par oblačil in oddrvel ven. Sprehod po ulici še nikoli ni tako dobro del. Vreme je bilo drugačno. Ptice so pele svoje nedolžne pesmi na drevesih. Visoko gor, kjer jih nič ne doseže. Megla se je valila čez ulico, skozi njo ter oblake pa me so me božali sončni žarki. Neobičajno. Neobičajno lepo. Takoj sem pomislil, naj bo to v znak današnjega dne.
Želja mi je bila uresničena, dan mi je bil ponoven začetek dneva. Ponovno sem se rodil. Tam na omari sem videl najino sliko in se odločil, da bo sedaj drugače. In ja, tudi je. Prepustil se bom toku dneva. Užival bom- oba bova.


Posted on 16:14 by Matej | 3 kvačk

Mislm, dejte usaj komenterat če že naskrivaj gledate :D


Posted on 02:23 by Matej | 0 kvačk

To, kar z njo doživljam ... UAAA! :)
Nepopisno, nemogoče, prelepo. Ob takih stvareh se človek počut ko sladoled na vroč poletn dan. Stopljen.
Verjemi mi, ko ti rečem, da te mam rad. Teh besed ne mečem okol in jih ne blatim. To, kar doživlam s tabo, nisem še z nobeno. To kar doživlam ob teb, nisem še pr nobeni. Zame si neki novga. Neki, kar mi je jako ušeč :*


Posted on 02:03 by Matej | 0 kvačk

No vsi še vedno zase držimo neke stvari, skrivnosti jim pravijo. Ena izmed mojih je ta, da več al manj usi misljo da sm nehu ta blog pisat, pa ga nisem. HIH!
Sej verjetno bote slej ko prej pogruntal, ampak ok.

The Prestige

Posted on 14:28 by Matej | 0 kvačk

What is the prestige?
A prestige is the final part in an illusionist's act, the Coup de grâce, if you will. There are three parts in every magician's act. First he presents a common item, a bird, an assistant or anything at all. Then comes the twist. He takes that item and makes it vanish or saw it in twine.
But the act isn't about that. Anybody can do that. That's not what people come to see. The people come to see how that item is returned to them, exactly the same and untouched by harm's way. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the Prestige.
This is my Prestige, only that it started with the other end.
Like everything, this blog has an end. That's now. I've tested my boundries and they do not grasp far. I always knew that my thoughts should not be heard, or if heard, they would be misunderstood. Which is the exact fucking thing that happened. I made a mistake doing this. My thoughts were meant to be mine, and mine alone. It seems that what I've done is like unleashing a plague upon people's perceptions; twisting, side-tracking everything. Going both ways.

Maybe we are yet to meet in the real world.

The girl with the sunshine smile

Posted on 06:27 by Matej | 0 kvačk

Upam, da ne zameriš, če občasno pišem v angleščini. Lažje se mi je tako izražat.

I'm breathless. I can't think a deep thought without thinking about it. About her.
I hope you people live to see a day like I did on sunday; It was magnificent, colourful, so inspiring that it would make every poet sing, every philosopher think, and if were a bell; I'd ring.
It started with her voice, whispering into my ear at night. My head telling me this is ridiculous, but the Heart tells me to enjoy and embrace the warmth of the sound. Feel her arms around me, even though she isn't near. We are far apart, but I've never felt so close to anyone before.
Seducing me with her every word. Not listening to her lips, but her heart.
Then a ray of red light came rushing my way. So casual, so light. Our bodies met, the first touch seemed to last for a day or two. Looking into your eyes this way for the first time, losing track of where I'm standing. Grab my hand and lead me away into another world.
For in this world, nothing of normal existence can reach you and time seems endless.
Felt your skin, your lips, your touch on me... All like opium; slowly running through our veins, makes us lose our heads.
If only you could stop time, eh?

Daranth E'Tkan

Posted on 12:17 by Matej | 0 kvačk

Ko se je sprehodil večerni veter skozi temni gozdič sredi otoka Gruchii, se je na temnih čereh ob razburkanem morju dvignil Nnulthilian, luč zahoda, glasnik vsemogočnega Grechiija.

»At'tee, aki! Grechii napto fetar! Ayi, ayi Grechii nunili, At'tee aki! »
Thieno Dorai, thieno Erras, At'tee, at'tee Grechii!
»Bobni gromijo, naj nas čutijo. Ogenj sveti in gori, naj nas vidijo. Pojemo, naj nas slišijo. Žrtvujemo se za njih, naj čutijo naše bolečine. Delamo kar moramo, to kar znamo, in edino kar je prav. Kličemo jih. Rabimo jih.«